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I am sorry to be away so long. I have been promoting the business and working on my website. That's a job! ...Especially when you don't know how to make a website. I'm just learning as I go.

I am bringing in a Referral, Rewards and Loyalty program as well.

I will update when they are ready. In the meantime, let's get cleaned out for all the Winter Celebration parties, suppers and friends and family that are sure to be visiting you this season.

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It can be scary to get started cleaning out your house. Some may find it impossible, "It'll never happen. I have too much stuff and not enough time". Some may not yet be willing to part with their things. Others may not believe that doing any of this really matters.

I was all of those people. It's ok. Try to allow your mind to think about what could go right as opposed to what might go wrong. Imagine having a "home" for everything in your house.

Let's imagine this in small chunks...

We will start in a specific place, an area that bugs you everyday. Not necessarily the kitchen as a whole, but possibly starting with the stuff in all of the cabinets.

Start with small portions. Chunks of time that you can get your head around. For instance, pick one cabinet, I like the tupperware cabinet. Completely empty the space and start making decisions about each piece. Are there extra container lids with no containers? Containers with no lids? Are there too many? You can only store so much in your refrigerator at one time, right?

Of the items left, decide which ones you don't love, need or use. Let go of the remainder. In fact, these particular items may serve someone better in another home. That's one way I like to think about it. " I appreciate the usefulness of this item that I have had for 5 years, but I don't really use it anymore. If I donate it, someone else may be looking for just this item." That's nice to consider, right?

Just having one decluttered, organized area will free up space. It will look cleaner. It will make you feel good.

Just as important, once things are simplified in your home, you are more likely to keep up with the process.

Believe in yourself, give it a try. It's not how good you are at it but how good you want to be.

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Updated: Aug 23, 2023

A Princeton University study found that clutter competes for our attention and overwhelms your visual field. When there are constantly things to be picked up and the amount of clutter is mind-boggling, you are more likely to feel held back, anxious, discouraged. On the flip side, when you have a tidied up environment this opens up spaces, allowing for light, positive vibes, and, let's face it, it LOOKS better! When everything has a place and is IN it's place it is easier to get to whatever item(s) you need. BAM, there it is, right where it should be, right where you left it. Think about it...if you don't need to spend an extraordinary amount of time picking up and putting away everyday, you'll have more time to do what you enjoy. That may be reading a book, taking a bath, going for a walk, or playing a game with your child. There is so much more freedom when the excess stuff is eliminated.

For me, I feel much less stress when I come home. Curtains are open, light is coming in and the environment doesn't feel so heavy. My mind isn't attacked with a mess as I walk in the door after my 9-5. This has allowed me to talk more with my kids about their day, about what's been on their mind, what music have they really loved lately, what do they think about a going away for a short weekend family trip? I can sit on the porch with my husband and talk while he grills.

Ridding my home of the superfluous possessions has transformed my life. I feel encouraged to do more, be more. I encourage YOU now:)

What is the messiest area in your house?

  • 0%Kitchen

  • 0%Pantry

  • 0%Living Room

  • 0%Bedroom

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